the Assembly
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from the Communion
What would an
LWF Assembly be without the many gifts and contributions from the
communion of Lutheran churches that bring such a multicultural event
to life?
Yet it is not
just a matter of material gifts. Every participant makes his or her
own special contribution to the Assembly—in the plenary
discussions, talks in the village groups, by offering a smile,
extending a hand or lending a sympathetic ear. Contributions are
made in varied ways and every gift, every small contribution is a
part of the whole picture, helping to give the Assembly its very
special features.
We would like to introduce some of these gifts and give a
glimpse of those essential elements of an assembly—from the
participation in the market of possibilities, to the energetic
assistance of the many volunteers and, of course, to the material
It is an
invitation to all participants to set out for Winnipeg with open
eyes and to discover the gifts we share with one another at the
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