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New Assembly Songbook
Love that Transforms Individuals
and Heals the World
preparation for its 2003 Tenth Assembly in Winnipeg, Canada, the
Lutheran World Federation is producing a new international,
ecumenical songbook, "Agape," which will not be restricted
to the Assembly’s use. The songbook is being published by Oxford
University Press in England, making its variety of music from all
corners of the globe widely available for purchase by churches,
other groups and individuals.
> To
order the Assembly Songbook
songbook is a Lutheran contribution to the ecumenical and liturgical
movement. It is my hope that after the Assembly it will be used
worldwide at Lutheran and ecumenical gatherings as well as in local
multicultural settings. The songs have been collected and selected
by a number of representatives from the LWF member churches and
ecumenical organizations", says Rev. Dr Ishmael Noko, LWF
General Secretary, in his Preface
to the New Assembly Songbook.
The Assembly
Songbook will contain over 100 songs from around the world (Africa
16; Asia 20; Latin America and Caribbean 20; Europe 27; North
America 15; plus classics 5) and will include liturgical selections
such as kyrie, gloria, gospel acclamation and affirmation of faith.
The songbook will also include an index for liturgical music and an
index of biblical references.
> Click here for music
score & lyrics for the song "May Your Breath of
Love" which was written especially for the Assembly by Maggie
Hamilton. She points out that in music, like in other fields, so many
things are called "love" that the word is in danger of
losing its meaning.
> Click here for comments
from and information on Maggie
order a copy of the Assembly Songbook (EUR 15, USD 15, CHF 22
plus shipping) please contact:
The Lutheran World
for Finance and Administration
P.O. Box 2100
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Tel: +41/22-791 64
E-mail: [email protected]
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