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and Elections at the Tenth Assembly
Nominations for LWF President
All member churches
received a letter from the LWF General Secretary inviting them to
nominate candidate(s) for the position of LWF
President. A list of
confirmed candidates will be submitted to the Nominations Committee.
The committee will present a first report of the nominations slate
to the sixth plenary session and will invite nominations from the
floor, which have to be in writing and signed by at least 10
Nominations for the LWF Council
The Nominations Committee
will receive nominations slates for Council positions from the
Pre-Assembly Consultations. The Committee will present its first
report to Plenary VI.
Nominations from the floor
After the first report,
nominations from the floor may be received until the chairperson
declares the nominations to be closed, which shall be at least 24
hours before the final report.
When the nominations are
closed, the Nominations Committee, after consulting with delegates
of the churches concerned regarding nominations made from the floor,
in order to ensure adequate church endorsement, shall incorporate
such nominations in its list, making known its findings regarding
the consultations with representatives of the churches concerned.
The final report of the
Nominations Committee will be presented on Saturday 26 July during
Plenary VII.
Further information about
nominations is found in the "Rules of Procedure" paragraph
for election of the LWF President
On the election of the
President, the LWF Constitution reads as follows:
"The election of the
President by the Assembly shall be by a majority of the votes cast
in a written ballot".
As the final report from
the Nominations committee has been given, the election will take
place in the following Plenary session (Plenary VIII) on the same
day. In order for the election to take place, a minimum of
three-quarters of the registered delegates must be present.
Concerning the election
> see the "Rules of Procedure" 4.1.5.
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