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In preparing an Assembly,
the Federation's General Secretary ensures that LWF constitutional
mandates and Council decisions relating to an Assembly are
implemented. The Council has appointed an Assembly Planning
Committee with representatives from the member churches to make
recommendations and review plans. Rev. Susan Nagle of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America serves as committee
Assembly Coordinators have
responsibility for preparations in particular areas such as content,
worship, communication, logistics, finance, pre-Assembly
consultations and the pre- and post-Assembly visitation program. The
Deputy General Secretary is responsible for coordinating
Council-related matters.
An Assembly Office has
been established to work within the LWF Secretariat in Geneva,
Switzerland, to ensure overall coordination. In the Assembly Office,
Rev. Arthur Leichnitz serves as Assembly Coordinator with Ms Margit
Eggert as Administrative Assistant.
An Assembly Local
Committee, appointed and supported by the Evangelical Lutheran
Church in Canada, the host church, is facilitating the preparations.
The committee chairperson is Ms Rhonda Lorch, ELCIC Office Manager.
For further
information, please
contact the Assembly Office.
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