the Assembly
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Rules of Procedure
As approved
by the LWF Council at its 2002 meeting in Wittenberg, Germany, and
to be approved by the Assembly during its first plenary session in
3.2.6. Nominations
committee shall consist of a chairperson and 14 members.
It shall
present to the plenary nominations for the office of the President
of the LWF and for the Council, in accordance with the provisions of
the LWF Constitution. It shall further inform the Assembly that
nominations for the office of the President may be made from the
floor, in writing, and signed by at least 10 delegates.
Nominations Committee shall present its first report on nominations
at least 24 hours before its final report is presented to the
After the
first report, nominations from the floor may be received until the
chairperson declares, in plenary or in writing, the nominations to
be closed, which shall normally be at the end of the session
following the one in which the first report was given. The list of
nominations shall be closed before the end of the third day after
the official opening of the Assembly.
When the
nominations are closed, the Nominations Committee, after consulting
with the delegates of the churches concerned regarding nominations
made from the floor, in order to ensure adequate church endorsement,
shall incorporate such nominations in its list, making known its
findings regarding the consultations with representatives of the
churches concerned.
4.1.5. Election
of the President and Members of the Council Timing:
Election shall take place in the plenary session following that in
which the final report of the Nominations Committee was presented.
The time for election shall be announced to the plenary in writing
at least one day in advance. Election shall take place before the
end of the fifth day after the official opening of the Assembly. Quorum: A
minimum of three-quarters of the registered delegates shall be
present for voting to proceed.
If only one candidate is
nominated: An
affirmative majority shall be required for election. (An
"affirmative majority" means more than half of the votes,
with blanks and spoiled ballots counting as "no" votes.)
If an affirmative majority is not achieved, the Nominations
Committee shall be asked again to nominate one or more candidates. If two
candidates are nominated: An affirmative majority shall be
required for election on the first ballot. If neither candidate
achieves an affirmative majority, a second ballot shall be held.
In the second ballot, the candidate with the greater number of
votes shall be elected. In case of a tie, the chairperson shall
draw lots to determine the winner. If more than
two candidates are nominated: An affirmative majority shall be
required for election on the first ballot. If no candidate
achieves an affirmative majority, a second ballot shall be held
between the two candidates with the largest number of votes. In
the second ballot, the candidate with the greater number of votes
shall be elected. In case of a tie, the chairperson shall draw
lots to determine the winner.
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