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The Assembly Office for
the LWF Tenth Assembly has closed permanently from 23 December 2003.
The Assembly Office
functions within the Office of the General Secretary to facilitate
the planning and implementation of the LWF Tenth Assembly in
Winnipeg, Canada, in 2003. The office includes an Assembly
Coordinator and an Assembly Administrative Secretary.
The Assembly Coordinator
is accountable to the General Secretary in the implementation of
decisions of the Council and the Assembly Planning Committee
relating to all aspects of coordinating and supervising preparations
for the Assembly. This includes close cooperation with the Assembly
Coordinators for content, worship, communication, logistics and
finance as well as other staff entrusted with Assembly preparations.
The Assembly Office
corresponds with the member churches regarding preparations for, and
participation in, the Assembly; facilitates meetings of the Assembly
Planning Committee; ensures distribution of Assembly material and
information to member churches and other participants; and
coordinates preparations with the host church and the Assembly Local
Rev. Arthur Leichnitz
Administrative Assistant
Ms Margit Eggert
Administrative Assistant
Ms Maya Maugué
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